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Vegetto is Goku and Vegeta mixed together. To do this they must use the Earing Ceremony. Vegetto is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z. He was only formed once to lock away the evil Maijin Buu. He was the strongest villan in Dragon Ball Z. But the brute force of Vegetto put him away. Vegetto can only be formed once in a live time , but something happened and it and they were sperated in less than one hour. If Vegetto were still here today he would be the most powerful being in the universe.


Gogeta is another form of Goku and Vegeta mixed together. To do this they did the fusion dance. Gogeta was the first fusion they did together. When they did it for the fist time Vegeta messed up and they became fat Gogeta. With almost no power. That is what happens if yo do one wrong move in the fusion dance. It makes you fat and slow. Gogeta is the most frequently used(because Vegetto can only be formed once). Gogeta is the only fusion character that can go SSJ4. In that state he is the strongest in the entire universe.


Gotenks is Goten and Trunks merged together. To do this they had to do the fusion dance. It only lasts for 30min but that can make a difference in the whole fight. Gotenks is arogant and it gets him in to trouble alot. That is why he was absorbed by Maijin Buu. Gotenks has the power to go all the way to SSJ3.Gotenks is a very strong figther and is the strongest out of all the kid fighters.

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